The blonde boy

From your friend Joyce...

Oh bob! 

What a statement you all made. You are all her legacy. I was washed over with emotion when I saw each of you . Remembering. Remembering when I met all of you . You were about 7. We got called back from our A&P lay off September of 82. I was wrapping meat in the meat room. Patty brought this adorable little blonde hair boy and introduced him. She said " this is my son, Bobby. You said " hello, nice to meet you " 

I remember thinking, what a nice polite little boy. Looking back I have to laugh because a book end for sure was born later, But that wouldn't be before 4 more Girls were born I wanted to make the next day but had Kelly's baby. 

There is no shortcut in grieving. Unfortunately , you have to feel that pain until it becomes numb . Then slowly, very slowly the pain is still there , but it lightens up a bit. A tinny tiny bit. It never goes away so you learn to live with it. 

She is with you every step of the way. It's an unbreakable bond. Talk to her out loud. It sounds so clique, but she really is watching over you. Try and take comfort in that. 


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