Easton Beach
In class right now. It is a brisk, er cold, morning in the Philly area. Lots of craziness going on. Hoping that the next few days are less crazy than the last week was. I am on a mad dash to get out of here, but don’t want to make any rash decisions. This morning I really can just see you enjoying your coffee, the sun on the concrete front steps, a bus or two coming down Grant and the sound traveling through the clean front door and out the back window. I can maybe see you on the phone with one of the girls, maybe Lam coming down the steps and you guys having a little slow, quiet convo. Maybe a text from your sister or me to see what you’re up to. You probably suggesting we should go somewhere or do something. Oh how I wish I could just do it that easily now. Maybe you had plans to “run some errands” or pick up a Craiglist find. Kathy is shutting the trailer down this morning. It always makes me sad as we close out another year. I got down a few times. Always a nice time. I often wond...