
Showing posts from May, 2019

And Sea

I got into Newark and it was complete mayhem. The process to get through customs was just insane and took so much time that I was afraid I might miss my flight to Miami. Just a lot to deal with after a 9 hour flight. Anyhow, I got a chance to take a break and have some food at Phillips Seafood. Fish tacos and some cold beers. Pretty good. Little salty. I tried to put off going to the gate as long as I could. I don’t know why. Got in line for the flight and got pulled aside for questioning. Not surprised. In any case, on the flight to Miami. I think I was so jet-lagged, I fell asleep at some point. I don’t really remember. I landed in Miami at a good time, but they kept us on the plane and tarmac for an extra hour. By this time fatigue was definitely setting in. So was the heat. I think I went from 48 degrees to 83 degrees and I just couldn’t change into shorts mid-flight. Anyhow, got off and felt like I was dunked into a steam bath. Uber guy got me and I headed to the hotel everyon

Air, Land

I know we’ve spoken a number of times over the last 20 days. Can’t believe I was on the road for 17 days. Man. What a few weeks. We’ll start with London. Took a flight out of Newark on Saturday night. Got into Heathrow on Sunday around 7am and completely jet lagged, but fed and even got some sleep. Woke up to seeing family. Tommy and Ben came to the airport to meet me and it was great to see them and give them a big hug. We loaded into Tommy’s SUV and got on the road to his house. A nice ride through the English countryside and lots of great sites to see. Lots of houses and pubs and farms. Dating back a few hundred years. I knew when we were getting close that I wanted to spend most of my time around their town. You would’ve loved it. It was perfect. I got caught up with Ben and Tommy on the way there and then got a chance to see Claire and have a proper hello. Their house was so great. Warm, colorful, open and a great garden and quiet streets. It didn’t take any time at all for me