
Showing posts from February, 2021




It’s snowing again Mom. This is to make up for all those days the last two years we didn’t get snow. I remember the joy I would have as a kid seeing the snow fall on Grant Road. I remember waking up and looking out back to see the first falling snow. It was always exciting just to know we would have the day off and be able to have some good, clean (dirty) fun. When the street would get covered and night would fall, the silence was so serene. It was like the rest of the real world was so far away. I can always place myself back there. I remember vividly the really bad snowfalls we had in the 90’s. The entire street would be covered in snow. So much so that the street would have a nice 12” layer of snow to walk on. Before plow trucks were all the rage and the clean up started before the snow even stopped. I remember I would just go walking around with a sleeve of Ritz crackers, alone. The snow creating a winter wonderland. It was an age where I was transitioning from my Grant Rd friends...

A card

I always remember around holidays how a card would wind up in my mailbox. It was usually something quirky or funny. I was looking at cards last night for some upcoming birthdays. I was in CVS just laughing at all the cheesy and corny birthday cards. I don’t know what you may have sent the girls, but your cards always made me laugh. I would call you immediately to thank you for the card. Over the years, living in Philly, mail would pile up downstairs, and I would see a card here and there. When I would call you, always the same response…”Oh My God…that card cracked me up…I had to get it….you know, just a little something…” The further I go on this journey called life, I realize, it’s not the cars, the houses, the clothes, the “things”, it’s always just “a little something” that someone does or says. I recently sent a card to a friend who had lost her father. Just to make sure I had the right address, I messaged this friend. You had such a great way with words. Always the right thing to...

At the table with love

Wow. What a really good dream that was. You came through when I needed it most. Last night I was checking out all the snowy and sunny pics of New England. A few places me, you and Kathy literally walked. This dream was super vivid for the most part. It was funny cause in most of the dream I was wearing something I wore in high school. I succinctly remember it. And I was up at Newport with Steph, but it was under very different pretenses. It was so weird. So her and I were walking around and just talking. It’s more like I can see Newport in the dream, but not really walking around there. And then we had plans to go to dinner. So funny. And we end up at a place we actually went to dinner. Dinner going as usual. Normal stuff. It was at a place that I can’t really remember the name right now. It was like a bright area to eat and a windows at a 365 degree to look out on to the marina. So dinner is going as planned and either someone walked by and says, “your mom is here” or Steph said it t...