
Showing posts from October, 2019

It's just a ltitle something for you.

I went to put some things in my storage unit last night. Also had to get some things out. Saw some of your personal items. Saw your lamps wrapped in newspaper. Saw your baby booties with your birth date and your name on them. Your license. Other things. Mostly things with your handwriting on them. It’s like you wrote so much to leave us breadcrumbs. Maybe what was the last receipt you saved from 7/22/18. Many other things. It’s really hard to just see your stuff all packed up like that. Like a life can be packed up and stored away. Some day we can take all that stuff out and take a look at it. Celebrate it as you should’ve always been celebrated and not “packed away” like some old wooden chair. I know you celebrated life every day you woke up. I know life was harder the last 10 years with back and forth and losing Pop Pop and John. I know how that really hurt you. I can’t imagine any of that, well, now I can. Truly humbling and really makes you human. I had a good cry there last ni...

Let's be about it

You would think that getting the annual bug or cold would be a source of wining, but I was getting out of the shower and thought about me giving you the play by play of my symptoms only for you to say, “Ohhhh, I just heard (insert Delco name here) is really sick….been down for a few days….better hope it’s not that EEEEEEbola….” And then you would run down the list of homemade remedies you suggest. Always the caretaker. Always looking out for people. I recently saw a post about that. Being an advocate for yourself. I think about people being advocates for people. I mean, it doesn’t even need to be someone you really are close to. You really never know what may be brewing inside someone’s body or mind until you really ask. I really wish you went to the doctors more often. As an adult, I just don’t get with the ideology that going to the doctors, in this day and age, should be reactive. Especially after a certain age or a certain point in your biological life. I mean, we give kids che...


A family on grant lost their mom. They were older than our family by about 10 years but the sons she had were still like in their 20’s. So I’m at a bar in delco with this girl. I see the one brother and he’s like, “I’m so sorry about your mom...” I never got around to telling your dad this. The day of my mom’s funeral...(his mom) I went upstairs and I see this woman cleaning our bathroom. It was your mom! I said Patti. You don’t need to do that. He said she turned around and said, “I’m so sorry about your mother and I am here to do whatever you guys need....” he goes, your mom was a special person. Get chills just thinking about her with her bucket and looking at him, in such a down time, and offering that support. Like who does that???

In the middle of nowhere

Got a chance to head back to the Lehigh River Gorge trail this past week. Best decision I’ve done in a long time. Just the perfect day. The trip didn’t start off that well, but you were there to guide me in the right direction. I know that. I was driving up around 7pm Friday night when the outfitter called to tell me they couldn’t get me on the 1pm shuttle back from Jim Thorpe because they don’t do that ride. He said he would make an exception for me being a “party of one” and I could get on the 11am. So I woke up Saturday around 615am, I was going to go back to bed cause I felt like I didn’t have to be out this early, but then I just had to get on the road to the trail head. I kind of got excited. Threw my gear on and got out the door. I grabbed a granny smith on my way out. It was freezing out up there. About 40 degrees. I grabbed a gallon of water and then drove to White Haven where I believed the start of the D&L trail head was. It was around 7am and boy was it quiet. I got...