
Showing posts from 2023

All that we wanted

We had a nice Thanksgiving at Uncle Jimmy's. While everyone couldn't be there, so many were. I was so happy that Nan got a chance to be with all of us; especially Pop. I had talked to Pop about getting Nanny out of there for the holiday, but also didn't want to impede on anything anyone else had planned. I can only imagine how much you would be up there visiting her. I imagine you would have finally quit working....after so many years of backbreaking could just have some time to yourself...and you definitely would be there for Nanny. I know, like helping others, it would've just given you more purpose to "get up and go". We had a great time and it was good to see everyone. It was actually a beautiful day. A perfect weather day for Thanksgiving. I was thinking of the pictures I had taken at Jimmy's only 6-7 years earlier. You were turning away, but I caught you with the lens. In some respects I would've loved to have had Thanksgiving with yo...

Mom’s text



I was talking to Theresa over messenger. She's meeting up with some of your old high school friends soon. We met up with Joe and Colleen and had dinner and had so many laughs and such a great time. It was just such a great time to see them, talk about old times and stories with you, Pop Pop, Mom Mom and Kathy. It's a cold, gray, day. I am in class, but I am not into it. Bia has her cheer team on the field outside my window, but can't really see them. I was talking to Theresa about all your decor for the fall. I actually said to her, "she may have liked fall more than summer, but she'd never say that..." Like mom mom with her ceramics, I would say I took it for granted all the great decorations you always put up. From the simple door stickiers for fall. I will never forget those little rubber sticky leaves you would put up on the door. They were so colorful. And cant even get into the steps. So much color, so much life. Always just filled with love, color, life...

List Frank

You popped in my head when I saw this older black woman in the aisle I was in at Acme. She was so petite and cute and I could see she not only had a list, but it was on some fancy note paper with some type of picture in the corner with the list lines printed. Granted I know you always just pulled out of a copy book or wrote it down on the back of a receipt, atm receipt, marlboro box, cereal box, etc. Many times with the beautiful weather we've been having after some terrible rain, it is easy to be grateful of all the time we had. When hard times come, I have a quick, "can I get through this?" and most of the time it's a resounding yes. I think of the times when you went through some rough patches, questioned things, wanted to run, but were always there for your kids, and I think about the present and if something bothers me, is it really something that bothers me or is it something I can just get past and move on. The old, tomorrow is a new day seems to hold true. The...


Not that I would ever want to write about that day in any way, but that day, I guess, well, we all were somewhere, with someone, seeing history, unfortunately be made. I will never forget that morning. There was literally not a cloud in the sky. I guess I was like 24. I know I was working at Vanguard by then. I am pretty sure. I remember, that day, I was just sitting out front, cause it was so comfortable about on Grant Rd. The sun was perfect. The sky perfect. You must've been somewhere in the house. Not that you could get lost. I remember Dad was in his work jeans and sitting upright on his bed. I think all the girls were in school. I was done college. I have this idea of going back into the house and a "oh my God..." or a "Bob, what is going on..." For some reason I remember Dad just being fixated on the Sony screen. There weren't many words to echo during the time the planes were hitting. I remember one thing...the two of you on the bed, the brown and li...

Pool day

 I will write more but you would’ve been so happy to be with us today. I wish you were and you were thought of so much on Saturday. Just walking down the hill we have walked so many times, parking our cars in the lot that has not changed, the fencing that is still silver, the hill coming down, freshly mowed, the gate to get in and the little window to peek into. When I was walking in I saw Kane. I think he had just passed his test. Everything was really the same. Like you left it 25 years ago. It was hard to not see you over in your spot you occupied for so long. I definitely felt you there regardless. We got a nice spot over by the other side of the pool. It was pretty empty due to vacations and all the teams being done. The water was so nice. We all went off the medium and high dives many times. Kane was shitting his pants the first time. It was hilarious. hahahah. Acey loved it he said more than the Y. Haaaaaa. It was cool and then sunny and cool. A perfect pool day. We all had ...

my birthday

 I was telling Bia and Lam at dinner tonight that me and you did a dinner at Ariano one night, but I couldn't remember why we went. We just happened to go there. It was good, but hot. Me, Bia and Lam did dinner at a new spot in Ridley that was really good. It had a ton of older folks enjoying their time. Of course you were on our minds. Especially with it being summer. I wonder what you would've gotten. I keep thinking of heading to RI, but doubt I will make it up this summer. Really haven't gone to the beach much this summer. Maybe next year I will do a few trips or get a rental. My birthday came and went quickly, but we had a great dinner at Iron Hill. The kids had a blast. Lots of good food and great gifts. The rain held off and we all had a great time. Super laid back and fun. I just imagined you sitting somewhere at the table; smiling and laughing. No worrying, no arguing. Just pure fun. Uncle Steve mentioned he had talked to Dad about how great the days at Upland Stre...


I was laughing the other day when I was cleaning my bathroom. I somewhat let it go a whole 2 weeks without being sanitized. haha. you would keel me. Many times I think of you coming to our complex, possibly living here. I know you would've loved it. I know you would love the laid back life here, the breeze, the shade, my little side of the woods over here, Bia's "penthouse" view. it's all just great. Part of me wishes you saw the value in renting. The quality of life value. Legit pay your rent and they take care of everything else. I now have so many friends renting and they love it. Of course you wanted your house by the sea, but who could blame you. We all did. I am really not even certain I will buy where I am. I really just don't know any think about coastal waters. I wish I could've facetimed you from Pralle's daughter Kendal's graduation. It was such an amazing day. A Pralle Day. Haha. No, but for real, just so much love. So great to see Mara...

I hope she liked the flowers

It sure feels weird that so much time has flown by; almost in the blink of an eye, we've gone through 4 years. I got a chance to talk to Aunt Bootsie this past Sunday. I came over to give her some flowers and a small gift. I was so happy she got a chance to go out with Beth, Chris, Harry and the kids. Malin is all over the world, but I know sent her love. I stopped in the Erin to get her a gift card. I pulled up on a sunny afternoon. The weather a lot more refreshing than the last time I was there...the day before my birthday, August 2nd. We had such a nice time. The spot that both of us were last at was wide open, so I pulled in and just sat there for a little bit...smelling the flowers I bought. I sat there just letting sun come directly on me and into the car. I really wasn't in a rush...cause it was all about birthdays, Aunt Bootsie's, Kane's....time with family. I thought about the day and night I was last there. I think I had the seafood combo. I think you had som...


It’s been tough to think about what to write. I wish you were so here to enjoy the eagles run. I wish you were here to just see at all. I think about the last one. You were here. But we all hung at Matt’s and had such an amazing time. All surrounded by family and food and drink. I thought to myself. My mom would be in her glory. Matt and Cindy, as always, did an amazing job. As much as it was about a game, it was so much about generations and friends and family. I thought of you coming through the door. Like lam did. Carrying some bags. Tell Matt, “I just brought a little something and Matt saying back…thanks…” you patting uncle “Jimmy” or Jim as you called him on the shoulder. I just wish. You could’ve easily made the ride or now that we are in media could driven to us. Alas I dream. I thought of the call we had when they won. And us so excited but I could hear you so clear. I miss moments when I could call you and celebrate. I saw Nancy and Bob the other day. It’s like you’re there b...