Cutting Board

Never forget me running back and forth to T&F Deli to get you, Kathy and Colleen these cutting boards. Man, they were like the hottest thing since soft pretzels around the holidays. I mean, I got you one first, but figured Kathy and Colleen would love them as well. It all worked out in the end. You seemed to really like it. Maybe not as much as a Michael Kors bag, but these are cooler. I don’t know if you ever really used it cause I haven’t been to the house in a good while. I sure do miss your cooking. I can’t even remember the last time I sat down for a home cooked meal for you cause we went out to try new places all the time. Kathy sent me a picture of the one I got her...along with most fancy rooster I've ever seen. Haaaaaaa. I am laughing cause I can see you and her in her kitchen just laughing how you two laughed so hard...and Kathy going, "oh my God....." Ah. I do miss laughing with you. You love to laugh.


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