The hurt. The life. We will be strong..for you.

I miss her too! My heart hurts for you. I think about you all the time and don’t know what to say or do. I cry when memories come up on my Facebook of her. I try to remember all the good times. When Lisa was talking about when Lam got lost down the shore it brought back so many good memories to me! How much fun we had until the day Lam was lost only Lam didn’t know she was lost. When I first moved to folcroft and didn’t know how to drive but I had a car, your mom would drive me to work then go to work herself then pick me up after work. Driving two footed because the car would stall if you took your foot off of the gas. Her dying both our hairs before Elkins park picnic and my hair turned orange and hers turned purple. I have a lifetime of memories but I want more. It’s so unfair. We should be talking about the good times of last summer. They were suppose to join us in wildwood one of those days so all the grands could be together. I’m sorry I’m rambling I miss her too! Love you.


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