
Hi Mom, It's cold and leftover snow here in Philly. I came back from my trip on Sunday. I had a good time. A great balance of time alone and time with old friends and new friends. I thought about you and the girls a lot. As soon as I got there I posted few pictures just like you guys were there. I know that you would've been all over me about going down there alone, but I really just had to get away and it couldn't have turned out any better. I mean, it would've been absolutely awesome to have had more people down there I knew, but I met some really awesome people. The place was great and as soon as I got in I got upgraded to an amazing room. I felt you were there and just looking over me and helping me make the most out of my trip. As soon as I got there, I dropped my stuff, got my trunks on and literally ran to the ocean and jumped in. My was so beautiful. You would've loved it. I vegged for a few hours out there. Just thinking. I got emotional a few times that first day....just cause I know you rarely got a chance to really travel and this trip was so easy and you would've loved it. I happened to be down there around the same time my buddy Eli from Vancouver and his dad were starting their 10 day trip around Mexico. I really lucked out. Just such great people and both made me feel totally included and my anxiety for being down there alone was wiped away. We really had a great time, great food, great drinks and great talks....about family, about you, about them, about everything. Couldn't have asked for two better people to be down there with. My trip was a great time and I am SO happy I did it.....alone. I had some amazing food. The resort was very chill most of the day and people just enjoying their friends and family and the ocean and the pools. I made sure to keep the girls updated on my I did make my way up and down Quintana Roo the one day. You were always there....on my shoulder. Really felt that. This week, it's back to work and back our reality....which is not getting easier any time soon. Actually getting worse. I am trying to just think positive. Just trying to remember how many good times we had together. We really miss you Mom. I can't tell you how many people reach out to me like every day just to say hi, how I'm doing or just what I'm up to. Love you. Your Son, Bobby.


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