Walking for PattytheSea

Hi Mom!

So real quick. Yesterday we did a great thing. A walk for you and all of the angels and survivors from brain aneurysms. It was a great turnout, but talk about the before. In just about 2 weeks, we were able to raise almost $7,000 for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation! So many great people that love our family and you really showed up. It just shows how much you were loved and how many special people there are around us. We really felt great that so many donated. We walked. We ran. We smiled. We enjoyed the sunlight. I was so thankful to everyone that showed up...last year it was just me because I only learned about it later. Anyhow, so many families, some with pictures of their angels. Some with matching tee shirts like us. The girls did a great job pulling it all together. It was really special. Me, Jason and Timmy did the 5K. Timmy grabbed 3rd place! So awesome. Then after snacks and talking and just standing in the sun and enjoying the Navy Yard and all the positivity. So great to see. I am so thankful for everyone and everyone all over the county, state, country and afar who helped donate to the foundation. It's just such a team effort. It was probably the best day I've had since before you went somewhere else. I just was sitting quietly in my car on the way home. Such a crazy year. I think a lot of good has also come out of it. Really just surrounding, really protecting ourselves, with all things positive and supportive. I realize now, as friends have reached out, that maybe I was meant to deal with this tragedy. To learn, to educate, to help others....and my God...so many other families have been hit with so much this past year. Ironically, like you did that day at the Hilferty house, I listen quietly and offer my thoughts. I have learned so much from so many people. It's amazing how many special people there are. REAL people. People who know how to listen, people who know how to care. People who are human and not some sideshow. People like you. I know you were all around us yesterday. We all felt it. I needed your help to finish that run after my knee was acting up. But like Gab said, "you don't run and you just woke up and decided to run...?" Of course I did! Maybe a mistake hitting the gym at 6am to get a workout in was a bad mistake though cause man I was beat! All in all a great day. You would've been so proud of us. Like I read today, "It's not that I have to do this or do that...it's that I get to do this or that...." Life is not only an opportunity, but a privilege. While my life last year and into this year was pretty terrible, I am SO thankful that part is over and we can all move on with the past in the rear view mirror and just look up and look forward. I feel like in your "sleep" you wished changes for all of us....you know what I mean. You are so special. So loved. I can't even tell you how many supported us these past few weeks. It really is amazing. Love you. Bobby


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