A fan of sports. A fan of life.

I was driving around Manayunk running errands and listening to 94 WYSP and just remembering how much you got into sports radio these past few years. Maybe it was by chance. Maybe it was the family connection we now have with Terry’s brother in law. I don’t know. I remember you would laugh about what they would talk about and the occasional “Mikey Mizz” shout. I think you listened to Angelo and the guys in the morning a lot past few years. Deep down you have always been a sports fan. I always remember the first calls I would get after a big home team win. I can remember as far back coming back from the pool. It may have been like the first week of the pool or early opening. Anyhow, I remember watching the Flyers-Oilers Stanley Cup series in the living room. It was a humid and gray day. Of course we spent all day at the pool. I can still picture that scene. You always knew what was going on with the local teams and as we got better in the later years, you would always call and be like, “did you see that?....Wooooooow. Pretty Amazing, hug?” I know it was tough to get to my games growing up cause you were always working during those hours. I just recently read a letter you wrote to me in college, but never sent. From 1997. I think Lisa was in some type of homecoming court and you said you went to the pre-game, but had to go to work and missed the actual game, but mentioned that AP got beat by Unionville 30-0. A “blowout” you wrote. Haha. I remember you calling me after the Phillies won the World Series. Man. That time was so crazy after that game. I think I can actually remember having to put my finger in my ear at Barn’s so I could hear you and tell you me and Timmy and the rest of the group were gonna drive down to the stadium. Always the same response, “Ok. Have fun. Be careful.” And always can remember you saying, “Goooooooo Phileeeeeeeeeeees” Remember when Halladay threw a few no-hitters and when we would talk you would always say, “Did you see that……? Pretty awesome….” You almost knew more about the local sports scene than some of my guy friends. When the Eagles were doing good, you watched a few of the games at Kathy’s. Remember you asking me about all of them. Like where I would be watching. Remember talking to you after the win against the Vikings. I watched it with Lisa and Aaron and the boys. Just watched in amazement. And you being, “Can you believe that….we’re going to the friggin Super Bowl!!!” I remember just saying, “I know…it’s crazy…I can’t believe it…” I went to a buddy of Jake’s to watch the super bowl. Talked with you throughout the day as the city just was getting greased up ready for the game. My God. It was non-stop that day. Remember telling about Marchiano’s doing the DJ and throwing out strombolis and t shirts and beers. Must’ve talked to you a bunch of times that day. I ended up going down into the city and met up with the guys. Man. What a game! I remember a couple times on the phone that day you would break into an Eagles chant…E A G L E S Eagles!!! Making me laugh. You never had a care about being loud and celebrating something that deserved to be celebrated. As long as you are happy, you are fine with making fun of yourself or having fun. And when we finally won, another call. This one is more clear. I can remember it pretty vividly because we were outside on the street. You were laughing a lot and we were just enjoying the moment. Makes me sad to try and recount the memory because I can hear your voice in that call in my head. You’re like, “can you friggin belive it?...Super Bowl Champs Baby…Where are you at? What are you guys doing?” I remember walking and talking at the same time. We were headed to Broad St. Me, Jake, Anna, Jason and few, um, thousands of other fans. It bothers me that I don’t know if you watched at home or somewhere else, but Kathy thinks you watched at home. I figured maybe you may have gone to Lisa’s. That day was so crazy, but I know you were so excited about them winning. Mom, you’re a true blue Philly fan. I love that about you. We miss you.


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