
Truly a beautiful fall morning today Mom. Got a chance to really see a great sky and the sun driving from Jersey into Philly. As I was coming under the South Street overpass and then passing 30th Street Station, I remembered that time you told me that you got lost in Center City for like 2 hours. I wanted to revoke your “Philly” card. I know it made you a little nervous, but you always made your way around the city like lightning. I remember us talking, I think the last time you were in my car and we discussed the fact that 676 connects 76 to 95 in a way. I knew that my message may not be getting through. I think we actually took a drive just to see that entrance. Ah. Make me laugh. You sure do get around in your little Pattimobile. Think that thing ran on coffee and Wawa pretzels. You definitely got around town….and all shore points south. We keep hoping that you will come back to us. No day gets any easier, but I think we take some solace in knowing you are somewhere safe, warm, and with people who care about you every day. It hasn’t been easy for me and the girls, but we’re really working as a team to make sure all the documentation gets in and we get you the care you deserve. It actually makes me realize how much is involved in all of this and how you went through so much with Pop Pop, your true co-pilot. Man, what I wouldn’t give to be driving down to Seaville Shores to see you two hanging out, shuffling around and Pop Pop waiting on his next meal and all of us just having some light conversations out on the porch. That is truly what family and life is about. No pressure as you would always say the last few years. I never felt any pressure to hang out with you Mom. I don’t think any of us ever did. I know life happens and everyone gets busy…..I know you always wanted us to slow down and stop and smell the roses and just be happy to be able to be above ground. I know we wish we could give you any miracles we have left. It’s a beautiful day today. Halloween. Everyone gonna be getting their kids dressed up and it’s going to be nice to have that distraction from the everyday grind of what we’ve been dealt. I know you’re somewhere, smiling, and watching us from afar. We miss you Mom. We really miss you.


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