
There are things I can understand and then some things I just ask why? You fought the good fight Aunt Kath. I write through tears at the thought of a  human being fighting for her life and her only worry is that she was letting her family down by passing on. You were always a true compliment to just about any meal, any coast, any beach, any beer (blueberry on Thames St), any Caribbean cruise, any “can” or “biscuit” in Seaville Shores, any flower show and magical trip to our other shore town, Newport, Rhode Island. As the closest counterpart to mom besides Mom Mom, you literally were always there for us.  In 44 years I never once questioned your love and devotion to my family and after life threw us the ultimate curve ball, you were there to listen, to cry and then, to laugh back at life and maybe an occasional “go pound sand” at the big guy. I hope there is joy when you see Pop Pop and Mom Mom, John and Mom. I hope you all enjoy some sandy sandwiches over some tears and laughs on a beach in Heaven. If I had to imagine my heaven, it’s at “The Can” with all of you, just shooting the shit to burning leaves and an orange sunset creeping through the trees. I want to think good thoughts about our journey, but I’m just at a loss at how lost we all are at navigating yet another beautiful person we will miss. Bobby


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